Seaweed and the non-ending healing power of the ocean.

Helene Frontin
2 min readJan 27, 2020

From very far in times the ocean has been recognised for its therapeutical virtues.

“The sea washes away the ills of all mankind” said Euripides in 420 BC

The sea has been used to treats many condition and thalassotherapy, is still very much in offer all over the world. It is based on the use of the goodness of the sea like algae, seawater and mud to treat a host of conditions. It is even reimbursed by the “security sociale” in France.

The seawater is recognised to have special properties and swimming in seawater has therapeutic values for a host of ailments including against depression, skin conditions, infections, boosting the thyroid functions, increasing blood circulation and muscle release with its high magnesium content.

Without all the science behind most of us understand the happiness that a great swim in the ocean brings.

But the benefits do not stop there, the new craze in human health and skin regeneration are the product issued of seaweed. My last attendance to conferences made me aware of all the other virtues that the ocean can bring through the use of seaweed for human health.

Research established that Seaweed is having characteristics very similar to the human connective tissues and their abundance of minerals, including omega 3 and other characteristics make it the special candidate for skin care, food supplement and nutrition and is facing a rising demand all over the world. Multinationals are starting to see the benefits of these seaweed components and the markets in all these domains are in steep growing phase.

But seaweed has another magic power: the power to lift poor coastal communities out of poverty. In country such as Korea, the Philippines or Malaysia, seaweed is growing faster than any other part of the world and is offering a new source of revenues for populations, happy to switch from unreliable fishing to the farming of seaweed and export to overseas markets.

People that are struggling to find a way of subsistence are now forming cooperatives in their communities to exploit their new source of revenue and hope.

Seaweed has many ways to bring happiness to this world!

